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About Madison Public Library

How We Use Your Data

Email Newsletters

Information We Use

  • Email Address
    We use the email you provide when signing up for a newsletter to send you that newsletter and, occasionally, material related to that newsletter's topic.
  • First and Last Name
    We use the name you provide to personalize messages to you and assist in removing duplicate subscriptions.
  • Zip Code
    We use the zip code you provide to help us understand where our newsletter subscribers are.

Library Board

The Madison Public Library is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, appointed for three year terms by the Mayor of Madison. The Board's authority to oversee the policies and direction of the Library is derived from Chapter 43 of Wisconsin statutes. The Library Board works in conjunction with the Mayor, library staff, and the Madison Common Council to plan, fund and implement public library service in Madison.

Library Value Calculator


What is your library worth to you?

We know you value the services and resources provided by your public library, but just how much are those services worth? How much would you pay out-of-pocket if the library didn't exist, or if these services and resources weren't available at no cost?