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Special Collections

Too good to miss collection display

Madison Public Library sparks literacy, fosters curiosity and supports community. We provide equitable access to experiences, ideas and resources necessary to thrive. It's our goal to provide a diverse Madison community with materials in our collection that reflect a wide range of views, expressions, opinions and interests. Madison Public Library’s collection includes almost 800,000 physical items as well as digital media and electronic resources. In our collection, you'll find: 

  • Popular and in-demand materials
  • Large print books
  • World language materials
  • Test and study guides
  • Financial, tax and business information
  • Directories
  • School and career information
  • Consumer, health and medical information

In addition, the Local Materials Collection preserves and documents the history of Madison and Dane County and provides a broad scope of information about local news, events and businesses. The collection is housed at Central Library and eight neighborhood libraries, as well as on the Dream Bus and online within Wisconsin's Digital Library. The Central Library is also the resource library for all public libraries in the seven-county South Central Library System, all of which have access to the more than 320,000 general, specialized and historic items in its collection. 

To learn more about the selection of materials, collection maintenance, book donations, and more, read the full Collection Development Policy

African American Culture Collection

The Central Library features a special collection of nonfiction and fiction celebrating African American Culture. Located in a display area on the 2nd floor of the library, the collection is home to nearly 400 books by Black authors that explore, highlight, and celebrate the African American experience. The titles cover a range of topics, including literature, contemporary essay collections, biographies, history books, cookbooks, art and photography collections, and more. The collection is made possible by the support of a former MPL staffer.

Bestsellers and Serendipity

Interested in reading the trendiest titles but want to skip the hold list?  Madison Public Library’s bestseller collection gathers the most in-demand fiction and nonfiction print titles that are topping national bestseller lists and local demand, with selections refreshed on a regular basis. Bestseller collections are at all MPL locations, can be checked out for 14 days, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis inside the library.  

Lakeview Library Culture Collection

The Lakeview Library Culture Collection is especially curated to provide multicultural materials with an intentional focus on authors of color and issues affecting underrepresented communities.  The collection seeks to highlight joy and resilience, and to bridge the gap of difference to celebrate unity through diversity.  With a mix of classic and contemporary titles, these books offer something for everyone.  They're housed in the beautifully renovated new book section near the front windows--look for the crane sculpture to point your way there!

Large Print

Large print books are available at all library locations. A list of new large print books is published monthly for both Fiction and Non-Fiction.


Local Materials

The Local Materials area of the Central Library contains materials about Madison, Dane County & Wisconsin history -- past and present. These materials include books, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings, maps, government documents, newspaper and periodical indexes. For more information about local history, see our recommended internet sites on Madison and Dane County history, our Research Guide to Local History, or information about obtaining an obituary from the library.

Madison Public Library: Seed Library

Seed Library at Meadowridge Library Madison Public Library free seeds

The Seed Library is a self-sustaining seed exchange program. Choose from flower, herb and produce seeds then "check out" seeds for at-home gardening. After growing and harvesting the vegetables, participants are encouraged to return seeds to the library to be checked out to someone else.

Mae Mitchell Multicultural Collection

PRISM (People Resources in South Madison) established this multicultural collection for children at the Goodman South Madison Library in memory of Anna Mae Mitchell. These books, which span the breadth of cultures, races, and ethnic groups, are a lasting tribute to her life and work. To this day, the collection continues to be supported by her family, friends, and those who remember her important contributions...

Too Good to Miss

Too Good to Miss is a special collection of popular books that are truly too good to miss.  Some are new and popular titles, others are older titles that might not have had as much media attention as a bestseller or celebrity book club selection but are still great reads that deserve another look.  New books are added to the collection monthly and are available at all Madison Public Library locations on a walk-in, first-come-first-served basis.  

World Language Collection

The Madison Public Library has materials for adults, kids, and teens available to check out in Spanish and other world languages, as well as materials to help you learn another language.