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Stop Motion Studio

Stop Motion Studio
Reviewed on 7/27/18

Want to make your own Stop Motion movies? This is a nice, simple, straightforward animation editor.  Download the basic app for free and then you can choose whether you want to pay for extra features. It includes an adjustably transparent “onion skin” feature, adjustable playback speed and the ability to save and export your final film to share it with others.  Add-on features include fancier title screens, the ability to import your own images and videos, and much, much more. With a great basic tool like this, the sky is the limit. What do you want to make a movie about? Do you want to animate photos? Drawings? Clay figurines? Your tiny toy cars? It’s really up to you!  This is a great app to use by yourself or with friends, perfect for when you’re stuck inside and looking for something fun to do.

Age group: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5