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Gale eBooks and Business Plans Handbook

Gale eBooks provides online access to authoritative information resources about the arts, business plans, history, literature, religion, social sciences, and travel. Search one reference book or search across the entire collection. These eBooks are not checked out so they can be searched at the same time by multiple users. View, print, and email articles and documents in a variety of formats including html and pdf. 

Over twenty titles of popular multi-volume reference sets: Business Plans Handbook vols. 1-60; Encyclopedia of Education; Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia; Dictionary of American History; Encyclopedia of Food and Culture; Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law; Reference Guide to World Literature; Encyclopedia of Science and Religion; Small Business Sourcebook, Space Sciences; Encyclopedia of Aging; Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice.

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This resource is available only in Madison libraries and remotely to patrons with Madison Public Library as their home library.


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