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Newspaper Source Plus

Newspaper Source Plus includes more than 1,400 full-text newspapers, providing more than 55 million full-text articles. This database contains comprehensive full text for major newspapers. Videos and podcasts are coming soon.

Newspaper Source Plus also brings critical news content with ongoing updates though out the day with its News View component.

Updates throughout the day include popular sources:

  • AP (Associated Press)
  • Business Wire
  • CNN Wire
  • PR Wire
  • UPI (United Press International)
  • Xinhua (China)

News View also includes more than 1,111,000 TV & Radio News Transcripts from top sources:

  • ABC News (American)
  • ABC (Australian)
  • CBC (Canadian)
  • CBS News
  • CNBC
  • CNN
  • CNN International
  • FOX News
  • National Public Radio
  • PBS

Newspapers Include:

  • Christian Science Monitor   
  • Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
  • The Times (UK)
  • USA Today
  • The Washington Post
  • The Washington Times (DC) 
This resource is available to all library users via BadgerLink.


Have a question? Contact Madison Public Library's Reference Department by phone at 608-266-6300 or by email.