WorldCat is a global catalog of library collections that enables users to search for articles, archival materials, books, journals, maps, music, videos, and other resources. Basic search, advanced search, and a “search everything” feature are available. Advanced search features include searching by accession number, keyword, ISBN, ISSN, and limiting by content (fiction, non-fiction, biographies, and theses/dissertations) or language (which includes vernacular scripts). Search results may be sorted by relevance, author (A-Z), title (A-Z), and date (oldest first or newest first).
Item records provide author, publisher, edition information, and subject headings. Also included are a “Buy It” feature that links to sellers, and “Details” which provides information such as genre/form headings, ISBN, OCLC number, and physical description. Item records provide the ability to read reviews and to also contribute a review. Linked data is provided at the end of the item record display.