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Events Calendar

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Community Room

For people interested in a wide variety of role-playing games, including traditional role-playing games such as Original D&D, 1st Edition AD&D, Classic Traveller, Pendragon, and Call of…

Meeting Rooms 301 and 302 Combined

Free assistance from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) volunteers to help you fill out and file your Federal and Wisconsin personal income taxes. Call 608-266-6350 no earlier than January 22…

Youth Program Room

Join us this Saturday from 10:30-12:30 in the youth services programming room at Central Library for hands-on art and craft projects inspired by this week's Overture Center's…

Blue Room 128

The Madison Writing Assistance (MWA) program offers free, one-to-one writing support for community members at library branches throughout the city. Our friendly, experienced writing…

Meeting Room 115

Come join the book club for a lively, thoughtful discussion of "Beloved" by Toni Morrison. Everyone is welcome…

Blue Room 128

The Madison Writing Assistance (MWA) program offers free, one-to-one writing support for community members at library branches throughout the city. Our friendly, experienced writing…

Blue Room 128

The Madison Writing Assistance (MWA) program offers free, one-to-one writing support for community members at library branches throughout the city. Our friendly, experienced writing…

*In Goodman South Madison Library

Find help navigating application processes and filling out forms required for housing, immigration, food, health, and other community support services.

In partnership with the City of…

Meeting Room 115

Join us to READ and Play together. When children engage with books, songs, and play, they develop communication skills, patience, empathy, and pre-reading skills which helps to build a lifelong…

Study Room 211

Get help brushing up on essential computer skills, safely browsing the internet, creating and using an email address, filling out online applications, or even writing resumes and cover letters.…

Munch Mobile Meals
*In Goodman South Madison Library

The River Food Pantry's Munch Truck will be stopping outside Goodman South on Mondays from 1:35PM - 1:55PM.


About River Food Pantry & Munch Mobile…

Family Study Room

In partnership with the City of Madison and Madison Public Library, the African Center for Community Development provides in-person assistance* to help offset housing costs by assisting residents…

Study Room 209

The Personal Archiving Lab at Central Library is a collection of equipment that can be used to digitize at-risk analog materials like home movies video tapes audio cassettes photographs and more.…

Meeting Room 115

Play Minecraft in both creative and survival worlds! Gaming devices will be provided and participants will take turns so that everybody can get their turn to create and explore! Recommended for…

*In Goodman South Madison Library

Monday, Funday: Unleashing Creativity and Fun

Kickstart your week with a burst of excitement and camaraderie at "Monday, Funday"! This vibrant program welcomes youth every…

Community Room

Drop-in and play games on the library's iPads, MacBooks, and Nintendo Switch. Minecraft, Roblox, Mario Kart, & more! There is a limited number of devices, so participants will take turns as…

Family Study Room

Free hour-long one-on-one computer and tech assistance.

Marcus can help you with:

  • Becoming comfortable with your laptop, cellphone or tablet 
  • computer basics…
Blue Room 128

The Madison Writing Assistance (MWA) program offers free, one-to-one writing support for community members at library branches throughout the city. Our friendly, experienced writing…

Family Study Room

Free hour-long one-on-one computer and tech assistance.

Marcus can help you with:

  • Becoming comfortable with your laptop, cellphone or tablet 
  • computer basics…
Blue Room 128

The Madison Writing Assistance (MWA) program offers free, one-to-one writing support for community members at library branches throughout the city. Our friendly, experienced writing…

Blue Room 128

The Madison Writing Assistance (MWA) program offers free, one-to-one writing support for community members at library branches throughout the city. Our friendly, experienced writing…

*In Hawthorne Library

The River Food Pantry's Munch Truck will be stopping outside Hawthorne on Tuesdays from 3:55PM - 4:25PM.

About River Food Pantry & Munch Truck

Community Room

Cross stitch and needle arts have undergone a really cool revitalization and transformation over the past few years. With amazing patterns ranging from traditional-style samplers to Pokemon to…

Youth Program Room

READ and PLAY with your favorite baby or toddler! Reading, singing, talking and playing with your baby from the beginning is important because the roots of language are developing in a baby’s…

Storytime at Hawthorne
Community Room

READ and PLAY together with children 5 & under! Stories, songs, and rhymes for about 20 minutes, followed by playtime and an art project. 

Engaging with books, songs, and playful…