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Events Calendar

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Time Items
All day
9:30am to 11:30am


Community Room - Fireplace Side
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 9:30am to 11:30am

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the imagination. No registration required. LEGOs will have to stay at the library, so bring a camera to capture your creations.

Community Room - Fireplace Side
10:00am to 11:30am
Chinese Storytime -- 中文故事会

Chinese Storytime -- 中文故事会

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 10:00am to 11:30am

Come enjoy Chinese storytime and art play with Tingting! Each storytime will be presented in Mandarin.

Intended for children aged 3-7 years. All are welcome!

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined
10:00am to 12:00pm
Tacones Rojos: Pasos Hacia la Justicia | Rompiendo el Ciclo de Violencia Doméstica [Red Heels - Steps Toward Justice]

Tacones Rojos: Pasos Hacia la Justicia | Rompiendo el Ciclo de Violencia Doméstica [Red Heels - Steps Toward Justice]

Meeting Rooms 301 and 302 Combined
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 10:00am to 12:00pm

ADVERTENCIA DE CONTENIDO: Los temas que se discutirán en este evento pueden incluir acecho o acoso, abuso físico doméstico, violencia gráfica, agresión sexual y muerte. Si eres sensible a estos temas, tenlo en cuenta.

Motivados por eventos trágicos locales, un grupo de latinos locales se ha unido a través del programa "Library Takeover" para organizar un evento crítico llamado "Tacones Rojos: Pasos Hacia la Justicia | Rompiendo el Ciclo de Violencia Doméstica". El evento se centrará en el tema de la violencia doméstica en la comunidad latina y abordará los ciclos generacionales de trauma.

Escucha una conferencia magistral impactante de la Dra. Lucía Melgar, una distinguida crítica cultural y profesora de Literatura y Estudios de Género, cuya extensa investigación sobre el feminicidio y la violencia contra las mujeres en México ha moldeado las discusiones sobre la violencia de género tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Con un doctorado en Literatura Hispánica y una maestría en Historia de la Universidad de Chicago, Melgar trae una gran cantidad de conocimientos y experiencia al evento, prometiendo ofrecer ideas profundas y estrategias accionables para combatir estos temas urgentes.

"Tacones Rojos: Pasos Hacia la Justicia" también incluirá apoyo, información y recursos para quienes lo necesiten, proporcionados por agencias locales arraigadas en la comunidad de Madison.

Cronograma del evento

  • 10-11am: Bienvenida y desayuno. Se servirán café y donas. Recorre las diferentes mesas con información sobre cómo presentar informes policiales, conectarte con trabajadores sociales locales, buscar refugio para mujeres y niños, y más.

  • 11am - 12pm: Presentación magistral de la Dra. Lucía Melgar. Dejaremos tiempo para preguntas y respuestas con la ponente.

El evento está abierto al público y se anima a los asistentes a usar tacones rojos como símbolo de solidaridad, recuerdo y compromiso con la justicia.

Se solicita registro. Este evento se llevará a cabo en español, pero habrá interpretación al inglés disponible si se solicita. Regístrate para el evento si necesitas interpretación al inglés.

La "Library Takeover" está financiada por la Fundación de la Biblioteca Pública de Madison y TruStage.

TRIGGER WARNING: The topics discussed at this event may include stalking or harassment, domestic physical abuse, graphic violence, sexual assault, and death. If you are sensitive to these elements, please take note.

Moved to action by tragic local events, a group of local Latinos has come together through the Library Takeover program to host a critical event called "Red Heels: Steps Toward Justice | Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence." The event will center on the issue of domestic violence in the Latino community and address generational cycles of trauma.  

Hear an impactful keynote address by Dra. Lucía Melgar, a distinguished cultural critic and professor of Literature and Gender Studies, whose extensive research on feminicide and violence against women in Mexico has shaped discussions on gender-based violence both nationally and internationally. With a PhD in Hispanic Literature and an MA in History from the University of Chicago, Melgar brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the event, promising to offer deep insights and actionable strategies for combating these urgent issues.

"Red Heels: Steps Toward Justice"  will also include support, information, and resources to those in need provided by local agencies rooted in the Madison community.

Event Timeline:  

  • 10-11am: Welcome and Breakfast. Coffee and donuts will be served. Circulate to different tables with information for filing police reports, connecting with local social workers, seeking shelter for women and children, and more. 
  • 11am - 12pm: Keynote Presentation by Dra. Lucía Melgar. We will leave time for Q&A with the speaker. 
    The event is open to the public, and attendees are encouraged to wear red heels as a symbol of solidarity, remembrance, and commitment to justice.  

Registration is requested. This event will take place in Spanish, but English interpretation is available upon request. Please register for the event if you require English interpretation.  

Library Takeover is funded by Madison Public Library Foundation and TruStage.

Meeting Rooms 301 and 302 Combined
10:30am to 11:00am
Stories & Songs with Junebug

Stories & Songs with Junebug

Youth Program Room
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 10:30am to 11:00am

Bring your little one (ages birth-5) to sing, dance, explore instruments, and play! Teacher Junko Yamauchi Stewart will lead these fun music & movement activities for families to do together. 

Youth Program Room
11:00am to 1:00pm
Comic Book Creators with Nik Shier
Community Room
12:00pm to 12:20pm
Munch Mobile Lunch Van

Munch Mobile Lunch Van

*In Lakeview Library
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 12:00pm to 12:20pm

The Munch Mobile Lunch Van will make a stop at Lakeview Library on Saturdays this fall.  All people in and around the library can get a free lunch between 12:00 and 12:20pm.

*In Lakeview Library
1:30pm to 2:30pm
Cooking with Chef Lily

Cooking with Chef Lily

Community Room Combined
Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Join The Kids Chef, Lily Kilfoy, for a series of cooking classes for school-age kids, tweens, and their families. Participants will learn about different foods, where they come from, how to follow recipes, and how to use a variety of tools.  Registration is not required, but participation will be limited to the first 25 attendees. 

Food generously provided by Willy St. Co-op North.

Community Room Combined
2:00pm to 4:00pm
Care & Repair: Free Mending [Special Edition]

Care & Repair: Free Mending [Special Edition]

Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Stop by to have your items repaired. Menders will be available on site to help repair items, and teach basic mending skills. 

Do you have clothing or other fabric items that need mending? Sewers from the Sewing Machine Project are offering free mending. These helpful sewers mend clothing and can handle any other fabric-related repairs (exception: no zipper repairs). 

3-4 skilled volunteers will also be available to teach mending skills. This is your chance to ask questions, and learn the basics for mending your own items at home. No sign-up required! 

This program is part of the Care & Repair program series, which is made possible thanks to support from Beyond the Page, National Endowment for the Humanities and Madison Community Foundation. See all upcoming programs at

About the Sewing Machine Project: The Sewing Machine Project's mission is to offer sewing tools and education to groups committed to learning new skills, building self-confidence and potentially contributing to their own livelihood as well as the well-being of their families and communities. To learn more about The Sewing Machine Project visit their website:
