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TexTITLES: Conversations on Fiber and Cloth

Reading Room
Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Text+Titles = TexTITLES: Conversations Around How Textiles Connect Us

The Textile Arts Center of Madison (TAC) and Pinney Library are pleased to invite you to join a monthly facilitated conversation around how textiles connect us all. Each month, the guided discussion will center on a specific title, article(s), podcast, or other selected media reviewed by participants prior to the gathering.  Discussions will center around textile and fiber art with a focus on historical, social, economic, and environmental concerns related to fibers, fabrics, makers/artists, techniques, use, value, and more.  As possible, some copies of book titles selected will be available for checkout through the Madison Public Library; however, in some instances participants will need to procure access to the media on their own.  Conversations take place in the Pinney Library Reading Room, featuring the inspiring permanent art installation titled Us, Midwest created by local artist Yeonhee Cheong. Please register for each conversation you wish to attend at the TAC website.

Conversations are from 6-7:30 pm on the 2nd Wednesday evening of the month: 

Space is limited and registration is month-by-month. Register for each conversation you wish to attend at the TAC website. (