Your librarians have created a book of rhymes and songs for babies and toddlers as part of We Read! You can pick up copies of this booklet at your local library, scan the QR code using your smart phone's camera and access songs on the go. Thanks to the many librarians who contributed their singing talent to creating this fun resource for families!
We Read is a year-round, all-ages, community wide celebration of all kinds of reading. To participate, Madisonians can simply find something to read that they love, share it with a friend or on social media and join in the conversation about reading using the hashtag #WeReadMadison. There are a variety of ways for Madisonians to engage with We Read this summer through their neighborhood library and out in the community. Learn more about We Read and join in the fun!
We Read is funded by Madison Public Library Foundation, Ascendium Education Group, Steve Stricker American Family Insurance Foundation, Dick Goldberg & Lisa Munro and Jane Doughty & David Wood.

Volume 2
In this edition, released in July 2022, we focused on bringing in a larger variety of voices from our library staff. This is a bilingual collection of songs and rhymes perfect for entertaining babies and toddlers while you're waiting for the bus, at the doctor's office, or simply during a quiet evening at home.
Burbuja, Burbuja, Burbuja, POP!
Se puede contar de uno a cinco con peces de colores distintos, o hacer un juego usando juguetes o peces hechos de tela o papel.
Cantado por Holly de La Biblioteca Central
Un pez rojo,
nadando en el agua,
nadando en el agua,
nadando en el agua,
un pez rojo,
nadando en el agua,
burbuja, burbuja, burbuja,
Dos peces azules,
tres peces amarillos,
cuatro peces verdes,
cinco peces morados, etc