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Book reviews by library staff and guest contributors

Internet scandal is forever

Cover of Young Jane Young
A review of Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin

A young female intern bowled over by the charms of a worldly politician, unhappy in his marriage. Assignations in the office after hours, futile attempts to end the affair, a scandalous revelation in the press during the election cycle. A political career in the balance, a woman branded a tart and worse. Unceasing press. The political sex scandal is nothing new, the outcome for the pol limited to one of two options: immediate political suicide and obscurity, or a show of contrition and a photo-op with the Mrs. before the news cycle turns its attention to the next scandal.

Aug 23, 2017

Sweet Anticipation for September 2017

New Titles

You know, dear readers, that when you’re excited for the titles the didn’t fit on the anticipated titles list as well as those that did, it’s going to be a good month for reading. September sees the start of the big fall publishing season, when publishers release their heavyweight titles in anticipation of the holiday and award seasons. This September is no exception. Here are some highlights:

Aug 14, 2017

Everyone has bad days, it's what you do with them

Cover of Lost in in the Sun
A review of Lost in in the Sun by Lisa Graff

This is a really great book with an engaging story line - that was also fast-paced and easy to follow. I could relate to many of the things in this story. I liked how the main character had a difficult past - but he was always trying to get through it. It also showed that he wasn't always having the best days - and sometimes what he did made it better, and - other times - made it worse. I enjoyed this book very much - and would recommend it to others!

Aug 8, 2017

Taco Time!

Cover of Dragons Love Tacos 2: the
A review of Dragons Love Tacos 2: the sequel by Adam Rubin

I read a lot of picture books.  Sometimes I love a book for the book itself and other times I love a book for the way children react to it.  The first time I read "Dragons Love Tacos" I was not overly impressed.  But after reading it with individual children and at storytimes with kids from ages 3-8, and seeing how much they loved the book, I became a fan.  So, when I saw "Dragons Love Tacos 2 The Sequel" I had to read it.

Aug 4, 2017


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