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Book reviews by library staff and guest contributors

Sweet Anticipation for September 2024

Sweet Anticipation graphic
New Titles

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Not THE holiday season, but it’s as good as the holidays for the book lovers out there—the start of the fall publishing season. Fall sees the release of the heavy hitters of publishers’ catalogs as award season ramps up and booksellers start to build stock—and buzz—for those holiday shoppers. Here’s what to look forward to for next month:

Aug 22, 2024

Loyalties will be tested

Cover of The Silence of Bones
A review of The Silence of Bones by June Hur

June Hur's debut novel is a police procedural set in 1800 Joseon, Korea. Seol grew up in rural Korea but because of the family's poverty was sent by her sister to serve an indenture for the police bureau in Joseon. As an indentured servant she's to keep her mouth shut and her thoughts to herself as she cleans and runs errands. The monotony of that work is occasionally broken when she's asked to help in crimes involving women. Males in 19th century Korea aren't allowed to touch non-familial women, thus Seol is called upon.

Aug 20, 2024

Playing fetch in a new way

Cover of Lost Stick
A review of Lost Stick written and illustrated by Anoosha Syed

Louise and Milo find a stick at their favorite park. They play fetch with Stick over and over again. Milo doesn't understand why Louise loves throwing Stick so much, but he is determined to bring it back each and every time. Then Louise pretends to throw Stick and Milo races off only to discover that he's gone too far astray while searching. He doesn't realize that Stick was never thrown! Not only is Stick "lost" to Milo, but Milo is lost as well. 

Aug 16, 2024

Too Good to Miss - August 2024

Too good to miss photo
Too Good to Miss Collection

Every month there are new titles purchased for the Too Good to Miss collections at our libraries. If you're not familiar with TGTM (as we call it here in library-world), it's a special collection of popular books that are truly too good to miss. Some are new and popular titles, others are older titles that might not have had as much media attention as a bestseller or celebrity book club selection but are still great reads that deserve another look.

Aug 14, 2024

Sweet Anticipation for August 2024

Sweet Anticipation graphic
New Titles

August is pretty much synonymous with vacations as people try to eke out the last of summer fun before school resumes. So it’s no surprise that the publishing industry is a bit similar, with houses holding back for the big Labor Day weekend sales push. But there are still a few notable releases heading to shelves this month for readers who might have some space in the luggage…

Aug 9, 2024

Finding your love (hold the garlic)

Cover of Fangs
A review of Fangs by Sarah Andersen

My last couple reviews have been books with darker theme and tone, so I thought I should switch it up. Now, if you've seen the book cover and title, Fangs, you may be thinking, how is a book about a vampire (and a werewolf, btw) going to lighten things up? Here's how: throw in a sweet, quirky romance and about as many (sometimes groanworthy) dad-type jokes poking fun at paranormal stereotypes and you have a graphic novel that will have you smiling (for sure) from first to last, and likely giggling often along the way.

Aug 8, 2024


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