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Book reviews by library staff and guest contributors

Retreat and regroup

Cover of Now that You Mention It
A review of Now that You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

“The first thought I had after I died was: How will my dog cope with this?
The second thought: I hope we can still go with open casket.
Third thought: I have nothing to wear to my funeral.
Fourth: I’ll never meet Daniel Radcliffe now.
Fifth: Did Bobby just break up with me?

Oct 5, 2017

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything --Mark Twain

Cover of The Lying Game
A review of The Lying Game by Ruth Ware

Ruth Ware does it again! If you've read In a Dark, Dark Wood and/or The Woman in Cabin 10 and felt pulled in by the masterful skills of the author in constructing a psychological thriller that is tortuous and creepy as all get out, you will undoubtedly find The Lying Game to be of equal or higher chill factor.  

Oct 3, 2017

Fearsome! Ferocious! Fake?

Cover of Alan's Big, Scary Teeth
A review of Alan's Big, Scary Teeth by Peter Jarvis

Alan the Alligator LOVES being scary. He and his big, scary teeth make all the animals in the jungle run for cover. Snap, Snap, SNAP! But Alan has a secret... his big scary snappers... are FAKE! What will Alan do when his secret is revealed? How will he ever overcome his embarrassment and dismay that he is no longer scary? A hilarious read aloud for preschool and school agers alike, this book gets better and better on every read.

Oct 3, 2017

Sweet Anticipation for October 2017

A review of New Titles by

September saw the start of the fall publishing season, and October sees the industry hitting its stride. The theme this month is big:  big names, big print runs and big hype. For readers, it’s a bounty of options across genres and ages. So make room on your holds lists, set aside some reading time, and prepare to settle down with your pumpkin spice latte, because there’s bound to be something for everyone this month. 

Sep 18, 2017

Horror and Hope

Cover of Copper Sun
A review of Copper Sun by Sharon Draper

Sharon M. Draper did an outstanding job reminding and educating us about slavery in the United States by crafting this one of a kind story about a 15 year old girl named Amari. Based on Amari’s struggles with being an young African American women in the early 1700’s, Copper Sun gives you the raw and unfiltered look at slavery. It gives the readers the brutal truth in which should never be forgotten. Amari who once lived a beloved life in her peace filled African village, Ziari, got tore apart and forced to live a nightmare that never seemed to find morning.

Sep 15, 2017

Steampunk Newsies meets Annie

Cover of Newsprints
A review of Newsprints by Ru Xu

Newsprints by Ru Xu features girls as newsboys, strained race relations and a serious look at robot civil rights in what I would describe as a steampunk variation on Annie! The story is beautifully drawn with complicated gender roles and a somewhat mysterious locale and setting.

Sep 13, 2017

First comes marriage, then comes love?

Cover of Duchess Deal
A review of Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare

The Duke of Ashbury needs a wife—any wife, really. Terribly disfigured on the battlefield, the once handsome duke has retreated to his own solitude and never appears in the light of day. But he needs an heir, and the prospect of venturing into London’s brutal social scene with a face that makes children weep doesn’t appeal. So when seamstress Emma Gladstone shows up on his doorstep one evening—in a wedding dress, no less—he does the logical thing and immediately proposes marriage.

Sep 12, 2017

Write Local

A review of Pinney Mini Book Festival by

On September 23rd, the Pinney Library will hold it's fourth annual Pinney Mini Book Festival connecting local authors and patrons. In addition to a local author presentation of 5-10 authors, Pinney will host a panel session comprised of 3 successful authors, editors, and/or publishers. We hope this will further foster community and collaboration among local budding authors who are honing their skills and marketing their work.

Sep 11, 2017

Go Big Read

Cover of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir
A review of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of Family and a Culture in Crisis by J. D. Vance

Each year Madison Public Library partners with UW-Madison to extend the perennially popular Go Big Read program into the broader community with book discussion groups and programs at our libraries.

There will be a keynote event at the Memorial Union Theater featuring a panel of UW-Madison faculty members. But you can also read it for yourself, join a book discussion, or do some deeper exploration of the topic by delving into suggested further reading titles curated by library staff.

Sep 7, 2017


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