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MADreads Reviews

Book reviews by library staff and guest contributors

In a perfect world...?

Posted by on Jul 20, 2018
A review of Scythe by

This book is an interesting view on immortality and complete harmony. Centuries into the future, anything that brought despair has been eliminated - government, war, illness, famine, etc. This leaves life almost limitless. The only people who can kill are in the Scythe Legion. Offending a Scythe leads to certain death. However, the main character, Citra, is taken to be an apprentice Scythe. This novel creates a very realistic world, if the world was a perfect, idealistic, utopia.

Sweet Anticipation for August 2018

Posted by Katie H on Jul 18, 2018
A review of New Titles by

This month’s new releases are filled with familiar names as publishers compete for readers’ attentions in the final month of the summer season. On to the highlights:

All girl "Empire Records" plus vigilante fight club

Posted by Molly W on Jul 18, 2018
A review of Heavy Vinyl by

I am a proud Gen X-er and the 1995 film Empire Records is part of my lexicon. This graphic novel replicates the independent record store vibe, the staff is all female and it's set in 1998, so for me, it's the coolest. It's also about a girl fight club hiding underneath the record store. And the girl vigilantes must save missing rock stars. Like I said. The coolest.

Queen Bey plays muse

Posted by Tyler F on Jul 16, 2018

Morgan Parker, poet author of the explosive collection There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé, leaves the title open to interpretation, but with one exception: She isn’t suggesting that Beyoncé isn’t beautiful, because Beyoncé is beautiful. Like the rest of us, Parker is clearly a fan. She is however suggesting that her muse -- the “flawless” Queen Bey -- might not actually be the be-all, end-all for American popular culture or Black womanhood.  

How does your garden grow?

Posted by Tyler F on Jul 10, 2018

The library owns about two billion gardening books. I’m pretty sure that is hardly an exaggeration. It can be a bit overwhelming.  

So let me recommend one as a librarian and a gardener: Emily Murphy’s Grow What You Love: 12 Food Plant Families to Change Your Life. It isn’t the only gardening book you’ll ever need, but it’s a darn good start.

Diary of a reluctant killing machine

Posted by Jane J on Jul 5, 2018
A review of All Systems Red by

"I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don't know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure."

Beauty queens lost

Posted by Neeyati on Jul 3, 2018
A review of Beauty Queens by

Really smart, funny, feminist, anti-capitalist satire about what it's like to be a teen girl (and not necessarily just a cis/straight/able-bodied and/or white teen girl).

Buddha and bharal

Posted by Tyler F on Jul 2, 2018
A review of The Snow Leopard by

The Snow Leopard, Peter Matthiessen’s melancholic and metaphor-laden Himalayan travelogue, a true story, is an essential, definitional work of 1970s American literature. It is also one of my favorite books of all time.

The warmth shines through

Posted by Jane J on Jun 27, 2018
A review of A Rogue of Her Own by

Grace Burrowes is pretty much an auto-read for me when it comes to historical romances. I don't get to every book of hers the minute it comes out, but eventually I'm going to read them. And the reason she's on my auto-read list is because she just does what she does so well. She writes engaging heroes and heroines. Her historical settings are well done - no major klinkers like a Lady Kardashian in Regency England. And the emotional journey she creates in each book always hits me just right.

Cake cake cake cake

Posted by Molly W on Jun 26, 2018
A review of Cake by

This book is about cake and it is delightful.

At the center of the story

Posted by Katie H on Jun 22, 2018

What image comes to mind when ‘Lolita’ is mentioned? A knock-kneed schoolgirl, all innocence and trust, a puppet under the thrall of pedophile? A calculating ingénue who knows more than she lets on, as envisioned by Stanley Kubrick in his 1962 film? The brilliant, if unsettling, creation of one of the great masters of American writing?

Cops and nuns and spies, oh my!

Posted by Kathy K on Jun 21, 2018
A review of New Mysteries by

Summer is almost here and there are a bunch of new upcoming mysteries that I am looking forward to reading. There are some new characters that I want to meet and some old friends with whom I'll be catching up. 

Murder at the Mansion by Sheila Connolly [6/26] [series launch]
character: hospitality specialist Kate Hamilton
setting: her Maryland hometown

Sweet Anticipation for July 2018

Posted by Katie H on Jun 18, 2018
A review of New Titles by

Genre readers will have much to look forward in July, as many familiar names are adding on to series, releasing standalone titles or trying out something entirely different. On to the highlights:


Posted by Tracy on Jun 15, 2018

Marley Dias Gets it Done: And So Can You! is an up close look at the amazing girl who founded the #1000blackgirlbooks campaign. She talks about how the campaign got started (“If only there’d been one book at school . . . just one . . . about a black girl and her dog . . .

Power of food

Posted by Liz C on Jun 11, 2018

This is really an amazing book. It's easy to read as each chapter looks at a specific time period and specific food, but cumulatively there is a lot of information to absorb. The Western world does not come out looking all that good since, in their desire to benefit a few, they ran roughshod over the bodies of a lot of people all over the world. Not that the rest of the world have angelic histories, but because Western countries pride themselves on their culture and education and when looking at the details it doesn't look so swell.


Posted by Jennifer on Jun 8, 2018

Earlier today I cut my finger and put on a band aid. And then this book showed up on my hold shelf - coincidence? Back in 1917, a young couple is married and the wife seems to hurt herself with great frequency. I didn't really care for the descriptions of her injuries, both for the yuck factor, and rather condescending manner Josephine is talked about. But, if you can make it past that, this is a rather interesting story. The husband, Earle, has the idea to place small pieces of sterile gauze on a long piece of adhesive tape and then Josephine can put on a bandage easily by herself.

Does mindless consumerism include buying coffee?

Posted by Molly W on Jun 7, 2018

I'm at a super busy and tired time in my life, maybe the busiest I've ever been, and I need coffee to get through my day. I work full-time, I keep track of soccer and piano and swimming lessons, I'm constantly folding laundry, making lunch, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning the bathroom, and all the other regular household stuff that we all do. I'm also getting older every minute. Life tires me out! So I'm really weary of financial advisors telling me to give up coffee. But maybe that's what I need to do.