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All girl "Empire Records" plus vigilante fight club

Posted by Molly W on Jul 18, 2018 - 12:24pm
A review of Heavy Vinyl by

I am a proud Gen X-er and the 1995 film Empire Records is part of my lexicon. This graphic novel replicates the independent record store vibe, the staff is all female and it's set in 1998, so for me, it's the coolest. It's also about a girl fight club hiding underneath the record store. And the girl vigilantes must save missing rock stars. Like I said. The coolest.

It starts out with new staffer Chris working at Vinyl Mayhem and struggling to establish an identity apart from "new girl." Almost immediately, the staff's favorite singer Rosie Riot vanishes moments before an in-store visit. It's the night before a big show and Rosie's band mates don't know where she went and they are all acting like a bunch of zombies. The crew at Vinyl Mayhem mobilize and train Chris for her first mission. It is spectacular.

Life just keeps getting better and better thanks to comics and graphic novel collections like Heavy Vinyl.

Originally published in single comic form as Hi-Fi Fight Club, No. 1-3, Heavy Vinyl, No. 4.