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Study Rooms

Meet. Study. Connect. Thrive. 

with Study Rooms at Madison Public Library 

Work towards your goals in a comfortable space enabled with free WiFi and technology. Study rooms are perfect for conducting business meetings, studying, working, writing, or solo reading. Study rooms are intended for small group use - if you have a large group or are interested in hosting a community event at the library, please visit our Meeting Room page to see about reserving one of our larger spaces. 

Booking a Room

Each Madison Public Library (with the exception of Monroe Street Library) has Study Rooms available to reserve. There are two different basic reservation types: Advance or Walk-In. 

Booking a Study Room at Madison Public Library
  • Advance Reservations: A reservation made anytime prior to when you'd like to use the room. Even if it's just a few hours in advance. ie: later that same day. All advance reservations require a library card to make a booking. Call your library location to book a study room today!
  • Walk-In Reservations: Walk-in reservations are made when you arrive at the library and ask if a room is available for that time. If a room is available, you will be booked in. No library card is required for walk-in reservations.

Additional information about booking our study rooms, including time limits, age restrictions, and cancelations can be found in the Study Rooms 101 section below.

Ready to book? Call your library location to make an advance reservation or walk-in. 

Study Rooms by Location

Central Library [201 W Mifflin St]: 12 Study Rooms

Central Library Study RoomCentral Library is located in Downtown Madison on the Isthmus and the heart of Madison's business district. It is home to Madison Public Library's largest collection of meeting spaces. Central Library has 12 Study Rooms that are located on the first and second floor of the library.

Room Capacities: 

  • Rooms 102, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210: 4 people
  • Rooms 103, 201, 211: 6 people
  • Rooms 111, 201, 209: 8-10 people

BOOK A ROOM: 608-266-6300

Pinney Library [516 Cottage Rd]: 5 Study Rooms

Pinney Library Study Room 109 August 2024Pinney Library is located on the east side of Madison off of Cottage Grove Road near Monona Drive. This area is close to the YMCA, many area schools, Lake Monona, Olbrich Botanical Gardens and much more. Pinney Library was recently opened in this new location in 2020, and two study rooms feature large TV monitors with HDMI cords, which allow patrons to cast their computer onto the larger screen to make Zoom meetings or small group projects easily accessible. 

Room Capacities: 

  • 109, 112: 4-6 people
  • 110, 111, 124: 4 people

Technology and Extras:

  • Rooms 109 and 112 also include mounted LCD screens with HDMI cables and Zoom capabilities.
  • Room 124 includes a desktop computer

BOOK A ROOM: 608-224-7100

Goodman South Madison Library [2222 S. Park St]: 3 Study Rooms

Goodman South Madison Library Red Study Room Spring 2024Goodman South Madison Library is located on the near south side of Madison within The Village on Park Street, and shares space with the Urban League of Greater Madison. Goodman South Madison Library is also conveniently located next to Public Health, the DMV, Urban Triage, and the newly constructed Black Business Hub. Study rooms are located in the center of the library, past the children's area and near the reference desk. 

Room Capacities: 

  • Red Room: 4 people
  • Blue Room: 4-6 people
  • Green Room: 6 people

Technology and Extras:

  • The Red Room includes a mounted LCD screen with an HDMI cable and Zoom capabilities
  • The Green Study Room includes a large mounted white board and markers

BOOK A ROOM: 608-266-6395

Sequoya Library [4340 Tokay Blvd]: 3 Study Rooms

Sequoya Library Study Room August 2024Sequoya Library is located on the near west side of Madison, and is nestled into a busy shopping center near the Nakoma and Midvale Heights neighborhoods. The study rooms within the library are along the windowed wall looking out towards the Tokay Blvd.

Room Capacities: 

  • Room 103: 2 people
  • Rooms 104, 105: 6 people

Technology and Extras:

  • Room 103 includes a table and three chairs
  • Rooms 104 and 105 include a mounted white board
  • Rooms 104 and 105 can be combined for a capacity of 12 and is then treated as a Meeting Room with a 2-hour time limit.

BOOK A ROOM: 608-266-6385

Lakeview Library [2845 N Sherman Ave]: 2 Study Rooms

Lakeview Library Study Room August 2024Lakeview Library is located at 2845 N. Sherman Ave, right next to Willy St. Co-op and just steps away from Warner Park on Madison's north east side. The two study rooms are located side-by-side to the left of the reference desk, past the children's play space and backing up against the teen space.

Room Capacities: 

  • Room 1: 4 people
  • Room 2: 4-6 people

BOOK A ROOM: 608-246-4547

 Meadowridge Library [5726 Raymond Rd]: 2 Study Rooms

Meadowridge Library Large Study Room August 2024Over on the southwest side of Madison, Wisconsin you'll find Meadowridge Library, right across the street from Meadowood Park and next door to the Meadowood Neighborhood Center. Meadowridge Library's study rooms are spread out within the library, with one located along the back walk near the children's area, and the other past the computers and teen area to the left when you first walk in. 

Room Capacities: 

  • Study Room A: 10 people
  • Study Room B: 4 people

Technology and Extras:

  • Study Room A includes a large LCD screen with an HDMI cable.
  • Study Room B includes a desktop computer.
  • Both study rooms include mounted white boards and markers. 

BOOK A ROOM: 608-288-6160

Alicia Ashman Library [733 N High Point Rd]: 1 Study Room

Alicia Ashman Study Room August 2024Alicia Ashman Library is located on Madison, Wisconsin's west side, just off of Old Sauk Rd. The study room in Alicia Ashman Library is located past the circulation desk to the right of the entrance, near the large community meeting room. 

Room Capacity: 

  • Study Room: 6 people

Technology and Extras:

  • The study room at Alicia Ashman Library also includes a desktop computer. A TV on a roll cart is also available.

BOOK A ROOM: 608-824-1780

Hawthorne Library [2707 E Washington Ave]: 1 Study Room

Hawthorne Library Study Room August 2024Hawthorne Library is situated within the Darbo Worthington and Eken Park neighborhoods off of the bustling E. Washington Ave on Madison's northeast side. Hawthorne Library is near several Madison schools, the Goodman Community Center, and several other popular destinations. The study room in Hawthorne Library is located behind the reference desk. 

Room Capacity: 

  • Study Room: 6 people

Technology and Extras:

  • The study room at Hawthorne Library includes a desktop computer
  • The study room includes a mounted white board and markers

BOOK A ROOM: 608-246-4548


Using A Study Room 101

Fast Facts:

  • Study Room Sign at Hawthorne LibraryYou can reserve a study room for a maximum of two hours (at neighborhood libraries) or three hours (at Central Library) per day. This time could be continuous or split up as availability allows.
  • Each person or small group can make one advance booking for no more than one month in the future across all Madison Public Libraries. As soon as you have checked in for your reservation, you are free to make your next advance reservation. Walk-in study room use is always welcome. NOTE: Our goal with this rule is to increase access to and maximize use of our study room spaces for a diverse public with a variety of needs, while making sure access to study rooms is equitable whether you're reserving in advance or walking in.
  • You must be aged 12 or older to reserve or use a study room on your own.
  • If a study room reservation is under your library card, you must be present while the room is in use. Reservations are nontransferable.
  • Reservations will be forfeited if you haven't checked in at the desk by 15 minutes after the start of your reservation time.
  • Please let library staff know by calling or emailing the library location at least 15 minutes in advance if you are unable to make your study room reservation.
  • Study Room reservations end 15 minutes prior to closing at each location. Please be aware of closing times when booking a study room and be prepared.
  • Two or more cancelations or no-shows within a six month period will result in a prohibition from being able to make advanced reservations for a period of one month. You will still be able to walk-in for study room use.

Please refer to our full Study Room Guidelines for the complete rules of use.