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Home Service Program

Home Service logo Madison Public Library's Home Service program supplies books to individuals at home who are unable to use the library due to an ongoing physical condition, as well as Retirement Homes and Assisted Living, Health Care and Adult Day Care Facilities. Please contact Home Service staff at 608-266-6314 or to setup delivery.

If you live outside the City of Madison but inside Dane County, please call Dane County Library Service Outreach, 608-266-4419.


Who is Eligible?

Anyone living within Madison City limits who has an ongoing physical condition that prevents the person from coming to the library

How it Works

  • You turn your library card over to Home Service staff
  • You tell us what types of books you like to read
  • We select books according to your criteria
  • We deliver books to you by volunteer every month on a regular schedule
  • Our volunteer will pickup and return your finished books
  • We can mail books directly to you if you read large print books only
  • We can also reserve specific titles for you at your request 

What Can You Borrow?

  • Books
  • Large Print Books (with print twice the regular size)
  • Books on CD
  • Magazines
  • CDs - music of all types
  • DVDs
  • Ask us about electronic books for your iPad or tablet

Retirement Homes, Assisted Living, Health Care Centers, etc.

How it Works - Two Choices

1. Regular Delivery

  • You give us an idea of what your residents want: for example, the types and number of books
  • We select books or other materials from the library according to those criteria
  • We deliver and pick up books and materials every month on a regular schedule
  • If you have an avid reader, we can also meet the specific needs of that individual on request

2. Retirement Loan Collection Delivery

  • We have pre-assembled collections containing about 150 books of a wide variety of popular titles in both regular and large print
  • We deliver a collection to you every 6 months on an on-call basis
  • You call us when you are ready for a new collection

Facility personnel will be responsible for:

  • Distributing books to your residents
  • Keeping track of books while they are at your facility (we can help you with suggestions for this)
  • Collecting books from your residents prior to pickup
  • Keeping us updated as to the needs of your residents


Volunteer Your Time

Home Service volunteers are assigned to a homebound individual who lives in their neighborhood.

Volunteers pick up a bag of items at their neighborhood library on a regular schedule (once a month) and deliver them to the individual. Volunteers also pick up the previous month's items and bring them back to the library.

Contact Home Service staff at 608-266-6314 or if you are interested in volunteering.