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Carissa's App Picks for Kids

High-quality apps you can feel good about using with your child.

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View videos of Carissa's Top Five Picks for Apps in various categories.

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Reviewed on 7/31/23

With all of the hype about the recent Barbie movie, why not try out a Barbie coloring app?  In the free version of this app, users can color a limited number of Barbie illustrations (including a Barbie with an artificial leg and vitiligo). There's a wide variety of colors, tints and shades as...

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Reviewed on 3/13/17

There are many apps for kids about cars, but most of them concentrate on building the car or on painting the car or adding extra wacky accessories to the cars.  You might be able to drive the cars around a pre-determined track or you might drive on an imaginary road trip, but to the best of my...

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Age group: Grades K-2
Reviewed on 2/28/17

If you loved to make tiny crafty things with your hands and household materials and you had the time to make a really elaborate doll house, it might look something like this.  Luckily, even if you don’t have the time, skills...

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Age group: Preschool
Reviewed on 2/6/17
Age group: Preschool, Grades K-2
