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Events Calendar

Displaying 76 - 100 of 301
199 Kennedy Heights

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

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4114 Donald Dr

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

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Community Room B

Play Minecraft in both creative and survival worlds! Ability to fully use both a computer keyboard and a computer mouse required. Recommended for ages 8 and up.

6834 Milwaukee St

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at

116 Milky Way

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

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Community Room A

Gathers most Thursday evenings! Middle and high school students can meet other aspiring authors, bounce ideas off one another, share their stories, and feel the creativity flow! Writing club is…

Colorful board game with pieces
Community Room B

Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 6-8:45pm to play board games!

There will be a mix of longer-play games (Settlers of Catan, Betrayal at House on the Hill, etc) and some…

Youth Program Room

Enjoy dance, creative movement, songs and stories that get children thinking creatively and problem solving while having fun. Creative Movement and Dance is brimming with energy,…

Youth Program Room

Kids and caregivers yoga. Drop-in to this 50 min yoga session strategically timed before lunch and naptime. Each class includes a social emotional awareness and exploration, yoga asana, breathwork…

1054 N Pine St

Visit the Dream Bus from 2:50-3:10pm to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at…

415 S Bird St

Visit the Dream Bus from 3:20-3:50pm to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at…

102 Park Circle

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

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S Wildwood St

Visit the Dream Bus from 4:40-5:00pm to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at…

The Capitol Quintet
Community Rooms A and B Combined

The Pinney Saturday Music Series welcomes performers on the first Saturday of the month! (Intended audience is adults, teens, and older children.)

Saturday April 5th, 11am-…

Youth Program Room

Caregivers and children (5 & under) are invited to come and play together in a movement friendly environment. Different play prompts will be set up each week to encourage crawling, climbing,…

2237 Allied Dr

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at

1409 Theresa Terrace

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at

6323 Woodington Way

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at

55 S Gammon Rd

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at


Are you struggling to carve out time to write that novel, screenplay, or other work of fiction you've always been meaning to write? Are you battling writer's block? Are you looking for people to…

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

501 E Badger Rd

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at

Youth Program Room

Join local artist Amy Mietzel for hands-on art projects!

2602 Post Rd

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at

2 Waunona Woods Ct

Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.

Learn more at