Your free Library card opens a world of resources to you, from books and magazines to downloadable content and computer time at one of our nine libraries.

Once you have your card, you can begin using library databases, reserving computer time, and checking out books and managing your library record online via the LINKcat catalog.
Fine Free
Madison Public Library is proud to be a fine free institution. We no longer charge overdue fines on library materials.
In 2019, library staff reviewed data on borrowing trends, cardholder trends, use patterns of other fine free libraries, and revenue generated by overdue fines. At that time, it became clear that overdue fines, and the blocked library cards that often result from fines, disproportionately affected libraries serving neighborhoods with lower incomes and higher percentages of residents of color.
“We know that some library customers are unable to check out library materials due to fines, and in keeping with our commitment to equity and access to public libraries, we felt that this was the right time to eliminate overdue fines and the use of a collection agency,” said Jaime Healy-Plotkin, Madison Public Library Board President at the time. “We made this decision during a particularly difficult budget discussion, but now more than ever, public libraries are valuable community assets that should be available for all.”
Two exceptions to this policy include:
- Items checked out from South Central Library System libraries that still charge overdue fines
- Items borrowed from non-South Central Library System libraries
In addition, library customers will still be charged replacement costs for items that are lost or damaged. Learn more about checking out materials with our Check out Policies FAQ.