Despite all the challenges, we are very proud that we were able to continue providing books, other library materials and essential services to the Madison community in 2020. Total circulation for the year was 1.9 million including materials checked out in libraries prior to March 17, materials checked out via Curbside Pickup, and materials checked out online via Overdrive. Thank you for your continued support and use of the library!

2020 was truly unique, so we wanted to share some of the ways you used the library this year! When we started doing Curbside Pickup back in May, we had no way of knowing how popular the service would become. You've collectively checked out 508,431 items via Curbside Pickup this year!

In 2020, we had over 55,000 computer service appointments, with Central Library and Sequoya Libray being the most popular locations. During the pandemic, limited public computing is available, including walk-up appointments and special accommodations for family computing. Learn more.

In August of 2020, Madison Public Library made the decision to go Fine Free. Immediately after making the announcement, we got to work combing through records manually (one-by-one) to clear existing fines, starting with blocked cards. We have been able to unblock over 3,000 cards this year, allowing renewed access to library services and materials. Our Fine Free journey will continue in 2021!

In a year of challenges, it's nice to see that the Wisconsin Book Festival attendance for the 3-day festival increased by 16% this year and that we were able to give away 1,625 books thanks to Madison Public Library Foundation.

The Librarian's Picks option launched at the end of May and we've had an incredible response to it. Over 1,900 bags have gone out this year containing thousands of books and library materials!

The number one title checked out from the digital collection in 2020? "So You Want to Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo. On average in 2020 we had about 11,000 checkouts per week.

To wrap up our 2020 rewind, we want to talk library cards! Overall this year, we were excited to issue over 8,000 library cards. We are thrilled to add so many new Madison readers to our library family! Interested in getting a card?