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Fox & Sheep

You play a starring role in these silly, short animations! There are other apps that incorporate a photo of your face into an animated scene, but this app incorporates your face with a live video feed, allowing you to interact with the action. If it’s a scene of a baby whose pacifier is stolen, you can pretend to cry (while the animation adds tears).  If it’s a scene of someone tossing pieces of food into their mouth, you can open your mouth to pretend to catch the food and then chomp it up.  The app contains over 50 different scenario options (including a few which flip your video upside down and add eyeballs to your chin!), and some of them have extra hidden surprises. You also have the option to record the animations (even add your own audio) and save them to the camera roll where they can be shared with friends and family. Sure to bring on lots of giggles!