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Donut County

Donut County
Annapurna Interactive

In this surreal game, you ARE the hole. Donut County has a hole problem. Large holes keep opening up all over the place and everything (I mean EVERYTHING) is getting swallowed up. In this app for older users (at least old enough to read fluently as the app has a lot of text and no narrator options), your job is to move the hole around the screen so that everything falls in. The more things that fall into the hole, the larger the hole becomes, so you have to be strategic about what order you "swallow" the objects in. As the game progresses, it gets even more complicated (e.g. some things that the hole swallows will bounce other objects back out of the hole -- use that feature to your advantage!) and there's definitely a logic element involved.  You should know that there is some mild swearing at points in the game and in the opening scene, our heroine (a girl of color, hooray!) hyperbolically says, "I'm dead. I've died." which can seem jarring if you're playing with a very young child. Overall, the game is just the right level of challenging and perfect for two people to brainstorm together over.  It is also available on STEAM and PS4.