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Kids Listen

Kids Listen
Kids Listen

Does your family love to listen to podcasts, but hate sifting through iTunes or Audible to find recordings that are kid-friendly?  Try out the Kids Listen app!  It's put together by the same people who create the high-quality kids' podcasts that are featured in the app (disclaimer: the App Fairy Podcast is a member of the group and is one of the podcasts listed!).  You can sort the podcasts by age or interest and you can get a ton of episodes for free and listen to them right inside the app.  If you want access to even MORE episodes, consider signing up for a subscription to get access to their full content.  Perfect to let kids listen safely on their own, even better for the whole family to listen on road trips or just running errands across town.  Why listen to podcasts?  They help build listening skills -- an important aspect of literacy.  Being able to follow a story told in installments is an incredibly complex skill and the great podcasts featured here are very motivating for kids to build those skills.  Plus, they're a fun way to bond with your kiddos!