A tiny little app, based on the classic Mexican children's song, "Un Elefante" and the children's board book "Elefantitos" that was written about it. Users can choose "read it myself" "read to me" or (my favorite!) "sing to me." Incredibly, the app has the option to switch between 8 different languages including the singing and all of the visual text in the book app! Language options include Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese and Hindi. Whether you choose your language based on your home language, one you're trying to learn or just to enjoy hearing the rhythms of another spoken or sung language, this app is a delight. Although the images are minimal (elephants, a few stray lines of spider web and one friendly-looking spider), tapping on the screen while watching could be distracting to listeners as each movement is also accompanied by a sound effect which can muddle the sound of the lyrics. I'd recommend sharing it with your child in the same way that you might share a picture book with an accompanying music CD. Listen together, perhaps sing along once you know the song and don't point out the movement features (although if your child discovers it on their own, maybe just give them a few minutes to explore that action and then go back to listen/read the book again once they're tired of the motions and sounds).