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My pear, imagine and draw

My Pear, imagine and draw
E-toiles editions

A simple but surreal matching game with a draw-your-own option.  In this game, first choose your language (English, French, Spanish or German), then match the colored shape (based on a pear shape, but with extra bits added) to an outline that will make it into an animal (or just enjoy the funny juxtaposition of two mis-matched images superimposed on top of each other!). The name of the outlined animal appears in your chosen language at the top of the screen.  Tap on a pear stem at the bottom of the screen to pull up a tiny menu of icons which allow you to choose the drawing option and you get a blank green pear.  You can change the color of the pear by tapping the colored circle at the top of the page, then use your finger to draw a new animal (or person or car or whatever) on the pear shape.  Take a photo of any of the screens to add to your in-app gallery! A simple app for younger users. Despite the matching element, there's no "wrong" way to play this game and no cheering or confetti when you match the colored shape and the outline that most closely go together which frees kids up to create whatever combination most pleases them.