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Sago Mini Trains

Sago Mini Trains
Sago Mini

Similar in format to Sago Mini Road Trip or Sago Mini Airplanes, in Trains players must first choose which train they want to use. Their chosen train appears on the next screen at one of six train stations that are around the track that runs through this game.  The track runs through several different types of landscapes (icy cold, big city, camp ground, farm, etc.) with a single pleasant soundtrack that changes slightly to match the terrain. At any station, players can load or unload characters and objects onto the train and when ready, zoom off through the landscape towards the next station.  Just for fun, many of the trains have an extra silly car (e.g. a bathtub filled with bubble bath, a train car that's actually a flying broomstick, a teacup filled with tea, etc.) and the silly car is a surprise and changes each time you choose a train.  There's no wrong way to play this app and it's perfect for your favorite train-loving toddler or preschooler.  Also available as part of the Sago Mini World subscription app.