Become a sushi chef with digital toy maker, Toca Boca! In this app, players choose which foods they want to incorporate into their sushi -- some expected ingredients like fish, other oddball ingredients like candy canes. Next, they choose which kitchen tools they want to use -- knife, frying pan, rice cooker/food shaper or rolling mat. Preparing the food takes a little trial and error the first few times, but after playing around, the sky is the limit as to what sorts of sushi (or other foods!) users want to create. Plate the food as attractively (or not) as you wish with careful food placement and creative garnishes (such as mustaches and paper umbrellas). When the food is ready, send it on a conveyor belt to your customer to see if they enjoy what you've made. Customers include two persons of color and a bespectacled purple cat. A fun kitchen adventure!