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Who Am I?

Question mark filled with photos of a diversity of faces
Interactive Diversity Solutions

If you've ever played the board game "Guess Who" then you know how this game works -- except this version is way better.  FIrst of all, it features photos (not caricature cartoon drawings) and quotes from the real people in the photos. It also includes each person's self-identified race along with tips about how to talk about race with your children and with other people. Each time you play a new round, you also get a new mix of people to choose from. At the end of each round, you have the opportunity to read the quote each person gave in response to a question about race or identity. These responses are unique and nuanced and help players begin to see each person as an individual, not as part of a monolithic racial identity. This is definitely a game to play together with an adult, at least the first few times to get practice with talking about race. (Once kids understand the game, they could easily play with a sibling or friend, but the adults would miss out on the great conversation opportunities!) In addition to race, there's also a wide diversity of ages, but I didn't see any visible disabilities in the rounds that I played. There is a lot of text at the beginning of the game to explain some basics about how to use the game to the adults playing and there is not a "read-to-me" option. At the end of each round, the only option is "play again" or to just shut the game down by pressing the home button which both my son and I found compelling to want to play again and again.