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Find Out!

Posted by Karen L on Oct 27, 2017 - 8:01am
A review of Volcanoes by

Let’s face it; some kids prefer to read non-fiction. These are the kids who are fascinated with almanacs and world records books. If you’ve got one of these kids in your house, check out the new DK findout! non-fiction series for kids. Aimed at ages eight to twelve, the series titles cover high-interest topics and each installment includes quizzes, photographs, illustrations, and sidebars with expanded explanations, fast facts and interviews with experts. Each title is packed with great tidbits to pique interest, for example: “The sound of Krakatau’s eruption in 1883 was heard 3,000 miles away.”  In Volcanoes your young volcano enthusiast can also learn that a dirty thunderstorm is a volcanic eruption of ash with lightning, and can read an interview with Dr. Gill Jolly, a woman with one of the most dangerous jobs on earth – volcanologist. And in Pirates young buccaneers will be surprised to find out that “Roman leader Julius Ceasar was once captured by pirates, who requested a ransom before letting him go.” Apparently, Ceasar thought he was worth more than the pirates requested, and insisted they ask for more money.

At 65 pages long, each title is packed with well-researched information and includes a website referral which can help readers to learn more.