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Hearse attack

Posted by Liz C on Mar 20, 2018 - 7:15pm
A review of The Cover Story by

Two college students are forced off a road and over an embankment by someone driving an old- fashioned hearse. One girl (Janie Rose) is killed, the other (Charlie Delaney) is seriously injured. Charlie’s aunt Branigan Powers is a journalist and of course is concerned about her niece, but when another girl is killed begins to wonder what is going on in her college town. This very tightly, well-written mystery features modern concerns such as homelessness, journalistic ethics, and college hazing. An interesting read from start to finish; I look forward to more from this author. (Note:  I have now gone back and read the first book in the series, The Cantaloupe Thief, and I also enjoyed it though felt the second book was better—which is a good thing, as one always looking for series to get better rather than the other way around!)