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Hide and Seek

Posted by Tracy on Apr 6, 2018 - 8:01am

The Bear & Hare books are such fun to share with young readers! Toddlers and preschoolers will enjoy the humor and charm of each one – and you will, too! To practice counting and have a first introduction to hide-and-seek, check out Bear & Hare, Where’s Bear? (Simon & Schuster, 2016). The pacing is perfect – and the illustrations are very silly. Readers get to practice counting from 1 to 10 several times as bear and hare take turns hiding. When Hare can’t find Bear at the very end, and is feeling sad, Bear appears quickly and gives his friend a much needed hug of reassurance. A snug ending to this simple yet very endearing story. Check out these other Bear & Hare stories: Bear & Hare, Share!, Bear & Hare, Go Fishing, and Bear & Hare, Snow!