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Nothing is as it seems

Posted by Jane J on Aug 26, 2024 - 2:23pm
A review of Mad Honey by
Jodi Picoult and
Jennifer Finney Boylan

It's been a while since I've read a Jodi Picoult book, though I've really enjoyed her work in the past. For whatever reason, she fell a bit off my radar. What brought her back was reading Mad Honey for the Lakeview Mystery Book Group discussion. And while I didn't love it, many in the group did, and it certainly led to some great discussion.

Picoult teamed up with Jennifer Finney Boylan (more known for her middle-grade books) in a gripping story about a teenage boy accused of murdering his girlfriend. As with all things Picoult, there are timely themes and lots of "what would I do?" questions for readers. The story is told from two perspectives, Olivia, mother of teenage Asher, who has left her abusive husband to start over in a new town in New Hampshire. Her viewpoint is in the present day. The other voice readers hear is Lily Campanello's. Lily is the girl Asher starts dating and her chapters go backward from the day of her death to the start of her relationship. As Olivia grapples with the fear that Asher may have inherited his father's temper, Asher is put on trial for murder.

There are plenty of twists and surprises, courtroom drama that keeps the book moving, and as regards that title, plenty of bee knowledge along the way. Our group had much to discuss and would heartily recommend this title for other book groups looking for their next title (for any book group).