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Sharing with love

Posted by Abby R on Dec 6, 2024 - 1:49pm
A review of Read Together by

I've been thinking a lot about gratitude and family so I'm really excited to share two new picture books especially for young readers ages 4-8 that combine these concepts to beautifully illustrate one of the oldest and most human arts of all: fixing something precious with the help of someone who loves you.

In Dance Fast Bizzy (Pomo) is so excited to be making her very first dance regalia for an upcoming tribal ceremony. With the prettiest fabric and carefully chosen rabbit fur, shells, beads, and ribbon, it  will be absolutely—oh no, is that a rip? "Waaaaaahhh!!!! Everything is ruined, and it's all my fault!" she cries. Thankfully, Bizzy's Mom and Grandma, and even her younger brother are by her side to help her pick up the pieces. Indigenous and non-indigenous readers alike will identify with Bizzy as she learns that the pathway you take is often more important than the perfection of the outcome.

Speaking of Perfect, Miki Amelia Masuda likes perfection—she won't wear her favorite pants after they get torn and even inspects her cookies so that broken ones won't end up on her plate. When Miki's Obaachan entrusts her with a beautiful teacup from Japan, Miki treasures every sip until one day, "Noooooooooo!!!! It's ruined!" Thankfully, Obaachan has a plan: the Japanese practice of kintsugi, meaning "to join together with gold." As Miki starts to understand that nothing stays "perfect" in the way she's used to thinking of, she learns that experiences shared with people we love might be the most perfect of all.