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You don't know what you're missing

Posted by Jane J on Jun 30, 2020 - 4:03pm

At the beginning of every month LINKcat publishes the Don't Miss Lists of new books and materials that have been added to the catalog. And those lists are super fun to browse and give me books to add to my 'to be read' lists. But what's not fun is realizing as you're perusing is how long you might have to wait for an item to come in for you just when you want something new to read. So here's a tip. Go to the Don't Miss Lists page and then click on through into the archived lists which go back to 2018. If you go back to old lists you'll find all those formerly new books that you meant to read and never got around to. And because they're older titles at this point, the hold list (if there even still is one) will be small and you'll get your pick sooner.

The Frangipani Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu from the September 2018 mystery list? Totally meant to read that. January of 2018 and I find Summer Hours at the Robbers Library by Sue Halpern? (also available on Overdrive). Take a look. You too can do some time-traveling in your browsing and find some missed gems.