From August 9 - November 15, Madison Public Library is hosting a series of free events focused on learning to mend, repair, and care for household items including everything from clothing to bikes. The Care & Repair program is made possible thanks to Beyond the Page, an endowment that funds free humanities programs at Dane County libraries both individually and collectively.
The Care & Repair series includes more than 30 programs spread across all nine Madison Public Library locations over the course of three months, and participants are invited to learn new skills and techniques, try artful mending practices, and envision innovative ways to reuse old items.
Care & Repair will feature a number of artists, speakers, and organizations from the Madison area and beyond who will lead and facilitate programs, including:
- Rita Salm
- India Johnson
- Miryeong Hong
- Bird Ross
- Christina Ruhaak
- Sylvie Rosenthal
- Wisconsin Bike Fed
- Wheels for Winners
- Dream Bikes
- Judy Frater
- Sam & Chick Westby
- Fibershed Heartland
- The Sewing Machine Project
- Textile Arts Center of Madison
- Project Home
- Urban League
- UW Madison ReWear-It
In addition to the wonderful programs in this series, library staff selected books to inspire and inform your next do-it-yourself project, including mending, big and small home repairs, traveling by (and maintaining) a bicycle, and sustainable practices for every lifestyle. You can browse the Care & Repair Book List online, or look for print versions when you attend events!
PLEASE NOTE: This series is mostly geared towards adults, with some programs open to all ages, as noted below. Registration is required where indicated, and registration opens two weeks before each program date. Capacity is limited for many programs, so sign up to participate!