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Libraries Closed for MLK Jr. Day

Posted by Isabel C. on Jan 6, 2025 - 3:45pm
All Madison Public Libraries closed January 20, 2025 for Martin Luther King Jr Day

Madison Public Libraries will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, reopening on Tuesday, January 21 with regular hours. The Dream Bus will be off the road on Mondays January 20 and January 27. See the Dream Bus schedule online.

While our physical spaces are closed, Madison Public Library card holders can continue to access LINKcat to place holds, check their records online, or renew items. Book returns will remain open for 24/7 service, and Pinney Library has a drive-through book drop for your convenience.

Online collections, ebooks and downloadable audiobooks from Wisconsin's Digital Library, Kanopy streaming video, Flipster magazines, etc. remain available. Visit to see lots of online resources available to explore from our Library @ Home page

If you are in need of help while the library is closed, please use 211 Wisconsin to help connect with food, shelter, safety, or other community resources.

See all City of Madison holiday closures.

Celebrate MLK Day: 

Youth Day of ServiceMartin Luther King Jr. Youth Day of Service at Central Library
January 20, 12-5pm | Central Library
Each year, Madison Public Library helps celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by serving as the host location for the Youth Day of Service at Central Library. The King Coalition, in partnership with the Urban League of Greater Madison, City of Madison, Dane County, MSCR, Madison Out of School Time (MOST), and others invites middle school youth to attend the MLK Day Youth Call to Service. Engaging workshops, lunch, and an event t-shirt will all be provided at no cost. Registration is limited to groups serving middle school youth. Share the opportunity with groups you work with! 

The King Coalition has an entire weekend of events planned, including a free community dinner, an ecumenical service, and a keynote address from Bishop Vashti McKenzie. Learn more

I AM A Man: The Re-humanization of Black MenI AM A Man Exhibition Goodman South Madison Library November 2024 - February 2025
January 18, 1-4pm | Goodman South Madison Library
As you know, the beautiful I AM A Man: The Re-humanization of Black Men exhibition has been on display at Goodman South Madison Library since mid-November. However, you may not now that the entire show was inspired by curator and local visual artist Sharon Bjyrd's experience while visiting the Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial at the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. On Saturday, January 18, you're invited to come reflect on Dr. King's legacy during a community event at Goodman South Madison Library where you'll be able to view the exhibit, hear from some of the artists involved, and do some live letterpress screen-printing with former Pinney Library Artist-in-Residence Phil Hassett. Performances of poems and monologues from the play Da Classroom Ain't Enuf by Charles Payne will also take place at the event. Join us from 1-4pm - no registration required. 

Todas las bibliotecas estarán cerradas el lunes, 20 de enero, 2025 para el Día de Martin Luther King, Jr. Abriremos de nuevo el martes, 21 de enero en horario normal. El Autobús de Sueños no estará en circulación los lunes 20 de enero y 27 de enero. Consulte el horario del Autobús de Sueños en línea. 

Mientras nuestros espacios físicos estén cerrados, los titulares de tarjetas de la Biblioteca Pública de Madison pueden seguir accediendo a LINKcat para hacer reservas, consultar sus registros en línea o renovar artículos. Las devoluciones de libros permanecerán abiertas 24 horas al día, 7 días de la semana, y la Biblioteca Pinney tiene un servicio de devolución de libros al que se puede acceder sin salir del coche para su conveniencia.

Las colecciones en línea, los libros electrónicos y los audiolibros descargables de la Biblioteca Digital de Wisconsin, transmisión de video en Kanopyrevistas en Flipster, etc. siguen disponibles. Visite para ver una gran cantidad de recursos en línea disponibles para explorar desde nuestra página Library @ Home (Biblioteca en casa). 

Si necesita ayuda mientras la biblioteca está cerrada, llame al 211 Wisconsin para obtener ayuda con alimentos, refugio, seguridad u otros recursos comunitarios.

Ve todos los cierres por días festivos de la Ciudad de Madison.