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Metro Transit Info Sessions

Posted by Liz on Oct 22, 2024 - 8:15pm
Metro Transit Info Sessions Metro Transit Outreach Specialists BRT and Fast Fare

Learn how to get around the city with help from Metro Transit, as they introduce their new Fast Fare system! This Go By Metro series is dedicated to everything Fast Fare. Metro Transit and City employees will be distributing the new reloadable cards and staff will also be available to answer questions, help riders set up online accounts, add any half-price entitlements and trade in unused passes/cards. Metro Transit staff can also answer route questions about the new Bus Rapid Transit Route A. Get the most up-to-date information about Bus Rapid Transit, the Fast Fare system, and changes to routes on Metro Transit's FAQ page. We have also assembled a Mini FAQ section and helpful links below. 

Metro Transit Fast Fare Info Sessions Madison Public LibraryNEW! Beginning on October 28, all Madison Public Libraries will be giving out Fast Fare cards during open hours. PLEASE NOTELibrary staff will share printed information on how to set up an account online, but Metro staff will only be available to answer questions during the scheduled Go by Metro events listed below. 

Upcoming Events:

Alicia Ashman Library [733 N High Point Rd]

Central Library [201 W Mifflin St]

Hawthorne Library [2707 E Washington Ave]

Goodman South Madison Library [2222 S Park St]

Lakeview Library [2845 N Sherman Ave]

Meadowridge Library [5726 Raymond Rd]

Pinney Library [516 Cottage Grove Rd]

Sequoya Library [4340 Tokay Blvd]

No registration required; all are welcome. 

Mini FAQ

What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)?

Bus rapid transit (BRT) is a frequent, faster, and more reliable bus system that uses larger buses to transport more riders. BRT’s features include frequent all-day service and direct routes with fewer stops.

It utilizes special traffic signals to help buses get through intersections faster, dedicated bus lanes, and stations with off-board fare payment kiosks.

Madison's proposed BRT will also feature real-time schedule information, quiet zero-emission electric buses, and comfortable vehicle seating.

How do I get a new fare card?

You can also get a Fast Fare card by visiting Metro Transit's administrative office or by emailing and receiving one through the mail - just make sure to include your address and allow 6 to 8 days for delivery. Alternatively, you can download the Metro Transit Fast Fares app and ride using a QR code that generates on your phone - no card necessary! Beginning October 28, you can pick up a new card at all Madison Public Library locations during open hours. Learn more about Fast Fare cards.

How much will it cost to ride BRT?

Fares will not increase due to BRT. Metro’s existing fare structure will remain the same. However, Metro will also be rolling out new fare collection technology that will launch prior to BRT. 

There will be a lot of new and convenient features that will make it easier to ride ALL of Metro buses including fare capping options, the ability to use credit cards as payment on the bus, online accounts, smart cards and more.

How will the new tap-to-ride system work? Is there an app or does it just require a credit or debit card?

You can use a physical Fast Fare card (see above for info on how to get one) or you can use the mobile app - Madison Metro Transit Fast Fares - to set up an account and add funds so that you can ride using a QR code that generates on your phone. The system has the ability to accept other forms of tap-to-pay options including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payment apps (e.g., Apple Pay and Google Wallet). PLEASE NOTE: When you first get your Fast Fare card, there will be no funds on it. You will have to add funds at a location outside of the Library or by using the mobile app

You can also purchase 1-ride tickets and 1-day passes using ticket machines at BRT platforms.

Can I exchange or get credit for my existing 10-ride Card during Go by Metro Sessions?

Yes, people can bring 10-ride cards to exchange for value added to their account. The 10-ride cards have to be unused to trade in, however you will be able to trade in used cards at a later date this year. In the meantime, you can continue to use the 10-ride card. By Sept 22 routes A, B, & F will no longer accept old fare but the rest of the routes will. 

You can also reach out directly to Metro with more in-depth questions by phone (608) 266-4466 or email

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