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Lessons in HERstory

a black woman's face with a lavender bow on a bright yellow background
Daughters of the Evolution

A cartoon illustration plus micro-bio on 77+ women in history (err... "HERstory") including no less than SEVEN women named Harriet. This app is a companion to the textbook titled "A HIstory of the US: Liberty for All?" but it can be used without the textbook.  If you have the textbook (or if you go to the website) and point the app at a photo of one the the men in the book, the app will us Augemented Reality (AR) to superimpose a woman over the man's face.  This woman will have SOME sort of connection to the man (perhaps they have a similar job?) and you can read a few paragraphs about her and her accomplishments.  You can also simply scroll through the whole list of women, tapping on whoever you'd like to learn more about and see her micro-bio in the app.  I wish the app would also include photos of these women (wherever available) and also include the option to turn off social media sharing, but at this time those options are not included in the app (parents beware if you dont' want your kid posting these illustrations on your FaceBook feed). There are no read-to-me options, so this apps is best used by kids who can read or alongside an adult who can read it together with a non-reader. A nice app to explore, especially during Women's History Month.