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Book warmth for chilly days

Posted by Karen L on Nov 5, 2021 - 8:58am

As I sit wrapped in my turtleneck and sweatshirt, I find myself turning to books to warm up with. So here are some new picture books to enjoy together.

Chaiwala!, Priti Birla Maheshwari, ill by Ashley Barron.
A mother and child have just enough time at the train stop to go to the chai counter for a bit of sweet indulgence.

Amos McGee Misses the Bus, Philip Stead, ill by Erin Stead.
Zookeeper, Amos, hurries to finish his chores at the zoo so that he can plan a surprise for his animal friends for the following day. Unfortunately, he is so tired that he sleeps in and misses the bus in the morning. A wonderful follow-up to A Sick Day for Amos Magee to warm the heart.

Our Table, Peter Reynolds.
A youngest child misses family time around the table, now that her family members are too busy to sit down together for a meal.  So she finds a way to bring them together again, in this contemporary fable of rebuilding connection.

Words To Make a Friend, Donna Jo Napoli, ill by Naoko Stoop.
Two girls, one who speaks Japanese, and one who speaks English, bridge the language gap to play together in the new snow.

Saturday at the Food Pantry, Diane O’Neill, ill by Brizida Magro.
Molly and her mom sometimes visit the food pantry, when they don’t have enough at home. One Saturday, Molly sees a classmate, who is feeling embarrassed to be seen, until Molly helps her realize that everyone needs help sometimes.