April is National Poetry Month, and National Haiku Day is April 17th, in honor of the traditional 17 syllables of a haiku. You're invited to this celebration honoring haiku and Wisconsin's own heritage of haiku.
Members of the Segoe Poets will read from the first issue of "American Haiku." Founded in Platteville, WI, by James Bull and Don Eulert in 1963, "American Haiku" was the first journal in the U. S. exclusively dedicated to haiku in English. Furthermore, the "Cradle of American Haiku" was founded in 2008 in Mineral Point by Gayle Bull, Jerome Cushman and Charlie Trumball and has become a center for haiku workshops.
This event will feature local haiku poets reading their works and follow with an indoor "ginko haiku walk" with stations to try writing your own haiku!
Doors will open at 6 p.m. and readings begin at 6:30 p.m.