This is a storytime filled with songs to sing together (or by yourself).
Books for babies
- The Babies and Bunnies Book by John Schindel
- The Baby Goes Beep by Rebecca O’Connell
- Baby Goes to Market by Atinuke
- Baby Talk / Hablando con Bebé by Stella Blackstone
- Give Me a Snickle! by Alisha Sevigny
- Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler
- Kiss by Kiss / Ocêtôwina by Richard Van Camp
Books for toddlers
- Boo Hoo Boo-Boo by Marilyn Singer
- Drum City by Thea Guidone
- Hooray for Hat! by Brian Won
- Mi Cuerpo Habla by Patricia Fernández Bieberach
- ¡Ñam! by Canizales
- Un pájaro en casa by Blanca Gómez
- A Parade of Elephants by Kevin Henkes
- Plinka Plinka Shake Shake by Emma Garcia
Books for preschoolers
- Bathe the Cat by Alice B. McGinty
- Benita y las Criaturas Nocturnas by Mariana Llanos
- Berry Song by Michaela Goade
- Bob, Not Bob! by Audrey Vernick
- Mi papá es un agrícola / My Father, the Farmworker by J. Roman Pérez Varela
- Milo + Niko by D Guzmán
- Some Bugs by Angela DiTerlizzi
- Taking a Bath with the Dog by Scott Menchin
- This Beach Is Loud! by Samantha Cotterill
- Vlad El Vampirito Fabuloso by Flavia Z. Drago
- Vlad the Fabulous Vampire by Flavia Z. Drago
- Wepa (English & Spanish) by J de la Vega
Books for school-age
- 100 Mighty Dragons All Named Broccoli by David LaRochelle
- El Barrilito Mágico de Papá by Jesús Trejo
- Papá’s Magical Water-Jug Clock by Jesús Trejo
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Fun Favorites
Let's Play!
Literacy Connection
Sing a good morning song, silly song, getting dressed song - any song! Singing is a great way to help your child transition and build language skills!