A collection of knitting- and yarn-themed books as cozy as your favorite sweater.
Books for babies
- Counting with Tiny Cat by Viviane Schwarz ©2017 (BOARD)
- Where is my pink sweater? By Nicola Slater ©2016 (BOARD)*
- Follow the Yarn: a book of colors by Emily Sper ©2016 (BOARD)
- Oakley the squirrel : the search for Z: a nutty alphabet book by Nancy Rose ©2021 (BOARD)
- Posy by Linda Newbery ©2008 (NATURE)
Books for toddlers
- Knitty Kitty by David Elliott ©2008 (ANIMALS)*
- Lucy and the String by Vanessa Roeder ©2018 (FAVORITES)
- Hungry Bunny by Claudia Rueda ©2018 (ANIMALS)*
- Lost. Found. By Marsha Diane Arnold ©2015 (FAVORITES)
- Little Owl’s Orange Scarf by Tatyana Feeney ©2012 (ANIMALS)****
Books for preschoolers
- How to Knit a Monster by Annemarie van Haeringen ©2014 (FAVORITES)
- A Hat for Mrs. Goldman by Michelle Edwards ©2016 (STORIES)
- The World’s Longest Sock by Juliann Law ©2022 (STORIES)
- If you want to knit some mittens by Laura Purdie Salas ©2021 (STORIES)*
- Tiny & Hercules by Amy Schwartz ©2009 (CHARACTERS) *I recommend just reading the last chapter!
- While we wait by Judy Ann Sadler ©2022 (GROWING)*
- Ogilvy by Deborah Underwood ©2019 (GROWING)
- Old Friends by Margaret Aitken ©2022 (STORIES)
- Leave me alone! By Vera Brosgol ©2016 (FOLK)**
- Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett ©2012 (FAVORITES) + Spanish copy, Hilo sin Fin
- Diego y Beto by Chris Naylor-Ballestreros ©2021 (SPANISH)
Books for school-age
- Yetsa’s Sweater by Sylvia Olsen ©2006 (ADVANCED)
- A Scarf for Keiko by Ann Malaspina ©2019 (ADVANCED)
- Three balls of wool (can change the world) by Henriqueta Cristina ©2017 (STORIES)
- El Ovillo Magico by Susanna Isern ©2013 (WRLD LANG)
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Literacy Connection
Knitting is made up of many, many small, repeated steps. Learning to read is too! Does your child ask to read the same book over and over and over ...and over? That’s how kids learn. Just think of it as knitting a sweater of literacy.