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Meeting and Study Room Policy

I. Intended Purpose and Sharing of Space
II. Public Use of Meeting Rooms
III. Public Use of Study Rooms
IV. Private Meeting Room Rentals

See also: Events at Madison Public Library | Application | Rules of Use | Meeting Room Rules of Use

I. Intended Purpose and Sharing of Space

The Madison Public Library Meeting and Study Room Policy and Rules of Use support the Library’s mission to “provide free and equitable access to cultural and educational experiences and celebrate ideas, promote creativity, connect people, and enrich lives." Madison Public Library is committed to racial equity and social justice, including the City of Madison’s Racial Equity & Social Justice Initiative. Our libraries strive to maintain welcoming and inclusive public spaces. Meeting and Study Rooms are heavily used and the Meeting and Study Room Policy aims to support equitable distribution of a shared community resource. 

Meeting and Study Rooms are made available to the public regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use, and use of the Library’s rooms does not constitute the Library’s endorsement or advocacy of a meeting’s content or an individual/group. Library meeting room use may include content that may be unorthodox, unpopular with the majority, or controversial in nature. The Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom, adopted by the American Library Association, as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights and the Meeting Rooms and Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion statements. 

The Library retains the right to monitor all meetings, programs and events conducted on the premises to ensure compliance with Library regulations. Madison Public Library’s Behavior Policy applies to programs or meetings held within meeting and study rooms. Use of meeting and study rooms should not interfere with the normal functions of the library. Library staff will have free access to rooms at all times. Exceptions to the Meeting and Study Room Policy may be made at the discretion of library management.

II. Public Use of Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are intended for larger groups than study rooms, and therefore have additional usage requirements; minimum attendance requirements may be imposed. Meeting rooms may be used at no charge by eligible groups and/or individuals for educational, cultural, informational or governmental/civic activities and may include public lectures, panel discussions, workshops and other functions. Preference is always given to Madison Public Library programs. Details about reservation and use of meeting rooms can be found in the Rules of Use.

III. Public Use of Study Rooms

The primary purpose of the study rooms is to provide space for small groups and/or individuals to meet and work. Capacities vary at each library. Details about reservation and use of study rooms can be found in the Rules of Use.

IV. Private Meeting Room Rentals

Only the Central Library provides meeting space for rent. Rental spaces are designated for use by: 

  1. non-profit groups requiring a closed private meeting space.
  2. individuals/organizations from outside the South Central Library System service area that wish to reserve a room in advance. The South Central Library System consists of Dane, Green, Columbia, Sauk, Wood, Portage and Adams counties.
  3. for-profit organizations/individuals
  4. private meeting or social events
  5. State of Wisconsin or U.S. Federal government meetings

Fee schedules detail rental costs. All groups must complete a Meeting Room Usage Application. Contact the Administration office at 608-243-0478 for more information about or to begin the rental process. Find fees, preferred caterers, and reservation information on our Events page.

This policy was approved by the Library Board on January 4, 2018.