Authoritatively ranked lists of books sold in the United States.
Most links below are to print books; check Overdrive for eBooks. Book covers provided by Syndetics depending on availability.
#1 35 weeks on the list
Little Blue Truck's Valentine
Little Blue Truck delivers Valentine's Day cards to all his farm animal friends. (Ages 4 and up)
#3 18 weeks on the list
How to Catch a Loveosaurus
The Catch Club Kids attempt to catch a dinosaur that wants to spread love and kindness. (Ages 4 to 8)
#4 62 weeks on the list
Love from the Very Hungry Caterpillar
A ravenous insect returns with its appetite intact. (Ages 3 to 5)
#7 19 weeks on the list
Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-out
Jim Panzee believes that Valentine's Day is gross, especially kissing! (Ages 4 to 8)
#10 8 weeks on the list
After the bad weather throws off her aim, Cupig straightens things out when the skies clear. (Ages 3 to 7)