Authoritatively ranked lists of books sold in the United States.
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#3 47 weeks on the list
The Anxious Generation
A co-author of “The Coddling of the American Mind” looks at the mental health impacts that a phone-based life has on children.
#4 2 weeks on the list
Source Code
The philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft describes events from his childhood and his discovery of computers.
#5 230 weeks on the list
The Body Keeps the Score
How trauma affects the body and mind, and innovative treatments for recovery.
#6 3 weeks on the list
The Sirens' Call
The MSNBC host considers the ways in which attention capitalism affects politics and society.
#7 114 weeks on the list
Hillbilly Elegy
The vice president, in a memoir written shortly after graduating from Yale Law School, looks at the struggles of the white working class through the story of his own childhood.
#8 15 weeks on the list
Our criminal justice system viewed through the struggles of 10 wrongfully convicted people to achieve exoneration.
#9 13 weeks on the list
The Serviceberry
The author of “Braiding Sweetgrass” illuminates how the gift economy in the natural world works and draws lessons for our economy; with illustrations by John Burgoyne.
#10 New this week
A New York Times Opinion columnist sets forth his reasons why he thinks religious faith makes sense of things.
#11 83 weeks on the list
The Academy Award-winning actor shares snippets from the diaries he kept over the last 35 years.
#12 19 weeks on the list
The first lady describes her work as a fashion model, marriage to Donald Trump and time in the White House.
#13 New this week
You Didn't Hear This from Me
The host of the Normal Gossip podcast unpacks various aspects of storytelling and gossiping.
#14 2 weeks on the list
Memorial Days
Three years after the sudden death of her partner, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author spent time on a remote island to grieve.
#15 24 weeks on the list
Elon Musk
The author of “The Code Breaker” traces Musk’s life and summarizes his work on electric vehicles, private space exploration and artificial intelligence.