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Digital Inclusion Resources in Dane County

Wireless Printing Computer Use Computer Classes Madison Public Library

What is Digital Inclusion?

Digital inclusion involves the activities necessary to bridge the digital divide, the gap between individuals in their access to and also in their skill levels to comfortably and safely use computers and the internet. The City of Madison Information Technology (IT) department has identified digital inclusion as a key strategic priority and has launched several inquiries, programs, and initiatives to enhance digital equity through the years. 

In addition to the ongoing work we do at the Library and throughout the City of Madison, we've curated a list of community organizations and businesses in Dane County that provide internet and device access, digital skills training, and technology.

Digital Skills Support

Digital Skills Support Digital Inclusion Computers at Madison Public Library Digital Literacy

Madison Public Library runs digital literacy and tech classes, in addition to one-on-one computer training and support.

Digital Literacy Training 

Digital Workforce Skills Training 

Older Adult Computer/Internet Training 


Laptop at the Library

Madison Public Library offers access to public computers, laptops, printing and copying, and free WiFi.

Broadband Access

  • AT&T Access
    Offers low-cost internet service for $30/month, based on the speed available at your address. Participation in government programs can qualify you for these discounts. 
  • Spectrum Internet Assist
    Offers affordable internet plans for low-income households, providing reliable service at reduced rates. Participation in government programs can qualify you for these discounts.  
  • T-Mobile 
    Provides discounted internet to eligible low-income households. Participation in government programs can qualify you for these discounts.    

Wi-Fi Access 

Device Access 

  • DANEnet 
    Provides Dane County nonprofits and other community anchor institutions affordable devices and tech support.  
  • UW Madison (Computer Lending Program)
    Offers students and staff/faculty semester-long laptop and week-long hot spot modem loans. 

Assistive Technology

Device (Low cost / Free) Ownership 

  • T-Mobile
    Provides qualifying households with free digital hotspot and free 100gb of data for five years. 

Free Tech Support

Provides free computer classes and tech repair clinics via the Digital Equity Project.

Join Our List of Services

Are you a local community or business partner offering low-cost or free broadband, digital literacy or workforce skills training, device access/support, or other digital equity initiatives? Reach out to to see about getting your services added to our list of local resources.