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Let’s Talk Food Waste with Lorenza Zebell

Photo of partially-cut vegetables next to a cute little container labeled "Compost," courtesy of Lenka Dzurendova on Unsplash
Sequoya Library
Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

The Midvale Heights Neighborhood Association's Green Team invites you to a talk with Lorenza Zebell, Program Director at Sustain Dane. She will speak about reducing food waste--from the big picture, what we as individuals can do to avoid/reduce food waste, and why it is important. 

"According to the Wisconsin DNR," Lorenza has written, "our landfills consist of 14.5% food that would be traditionally edible, and 6% “food scraps” (like peels). This makes food the largest component of our waste stream. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization reports that if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. According to the EPA Food Waste Recovery Hierarchy, preventing food waste in the first place is the most preferred option, feeding hungry people is next, and finally composting." Hear from her what you can do to help make a difference.