Chess meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 4-5:45 p.m. Come and learn chess basics in the library with a 30 minute introduction of the game and then play a friendly game of chess with…
Events Calendar
Drop-in and play games on the library's iPads, MacBooks, and Nintendo Switch. Minecraft, Roblox, Mario Kart, & more! There is a limited number of devices, so participants will take turns as…
Play Minecraft in both survival and creative worlds! There is a limited number of computers, so participants will sign up for a 45-minute turn, beginning at 4:00pm or 4:45pm.
…Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Madison Public Library will be providing free garden seeds for community members at eight locations this year!
The library is looking for volunteers to help with packaging the…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Calling all kids! Work with Madison Public Library Media Production Instructor, Nate, to create a scale model of the Goodman South Madison Library! This long term project will create a large scale…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
As we are experiencing the spring bird migration, please join us for a viewing of the PBS documentary "Flyaways".
Shorebirds fly thousands of miles each year along ancient and…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Drop-in knitting. All experience levels welcome. Children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult for duration of program. Yarn and Needles provided for in-library use.
Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.
It's time for LEGO Club! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14), for ages 5 to 12. Leave your own LEGOs at home - we've got plenty to share! Sometimes…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Make a bead project with a variety of bead sizes and materials. Pony, seed, charm, polymer, letter & more!
Youth 8 years and younger must bring an adult, or…
School-age children (elementary and middle school) are invited to join us for this kid-led Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Be a part of an adventuring party where you'll use your imagination and…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Madison Public Library will be providing free garden seeds for community members at eight locations this year!
The library is looking for volunteers to help with packaging the…
The Munch Mobile Lunch Van will make a stop at Lakeview Library on Thursdays. All people in and around the library can get a free lunch.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
It Takes A Village After-School Enrichment sessions are created in an effort to promote community, and a safe place for youth patrons between 12 and 18 years old. We will supply various gaming…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.