Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Events Calendar
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
The Munch Mobile Lunch Van will make a stop at Lakeview Library on Thursdays. All people in and around the library can get a free lunch.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus from 2:50-3:10pm to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus from 3:20-3:50pm to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus from 4:40-5:00pm to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Bring puzzles you've already done and trade them for puzzles that are new-to-you!
Puzzles for all ages and of all sizes accepted, as long as they are in good condition with all the pieces.…

Each spring, American Woodcocks return to prairies to perform their iconic and elaborate courtship rituals. Join members of the Feminist Bird Club-Madison Chapter to look and listen for woodcocks…

The River Food Pantry's Munch Truck will be stopping outside Goodman South on Mondays from 1:35PM - 1:55PM.
About River Food Pantry & Munch Mobile…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Do you have clothing or other fabric items that need mending?
Volunteers from the Sewing Machine Project are offering free mending at Hawthorne Neighborhood Library every other…
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.
Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.
Drop-in knitting. All experience levels welcome. Children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult for duration of program. Yarn and Needles provided for in-library use.
Visit the Dream Bus to browse books and other library materials, place or pick up holds, and sign up for a library card.